Monday, March 23, 2009

Blank space. So much possibility found on blank canvases. The ‘Mona Lisa’ started as a blank space and it now sits behind inches thick protective glass and is arguably the most recognizable image in the world of art.

I could bill this as a finished minimalist work called: “Rum-fid in a Blizzid.” I will not however. Instead there will be a large scale landscape on this three panel triptych. I’m going for a dramatic image with very undramatic landscape, which means there will not be snow capped peaks or a colorful sunset. Simple but dramatic.

Blank canvas represents hope just as it does confusion, pressure, freedom, and excitement. It can be the foundation of beauty, horror, humor, or controversy. Hope lies within all of those reactive emotions as well. Beauty can inspire someone who’s down. Horror and controversy can sometimes call attention to an evil in the world than needs attention. Blank space can be powerful.

Submitted by Joe McLaughlin

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